Become a Friend of the Fae
Creative Projects Need Patrons: Crowdfunding
Money makes things happen. Your support can help to make The Shepherdstown Fairy Festival the best it can be. We've decided to fundraise directly rather than through a third party app. Your contributions will help us hire additional acts and entertainers, provide an ADA accessible festival including Sign Language translation and a quiet space where those experiencing sensory overload can rest and regroup, as well as build additional decorations to bring the magic alive.
Just purchasing a $15 Friend of the Fae ticket
is a way to support the festival.
Contributions can also be sent to
venmo account: emma-casale-1
Let us know how you'd like us to credit/attribute your contribution in our festival program. (Private, Your Name, A Business Name, or in honor of someone else)

The Fairies need your Help!
Volunteers make the festival go
Being a volunteer to help make the magic come alive at various fairy festivals is one of my most valued experiences. The folks I've worked alongside to bring festivals to life have become my dearest friends. Many of those friends are helping me bring The Shepherdstown Fairy Festival to life. There is a powerful magic in being part of a community working toward a common creative goal, especially when the fairies are involved. I'm really looking forward to the new community and friendships we will build on this journey.
To become a volunteer, send an email to Include the following info: Name (pronoun), how you'd like to help out, when, how long, phone number, how you like to communicate (options are voice, text, fb messenger, email)​

Volunteer Needs
We are grateful for any help, from just a single 3 hour shift to the hardcore Friday to Monday Festival volunteers who work way more than they play.
September and October:
Social media promotion, handing out flyers, making decorations and costumes, stuffing folders, running errands...we need loads of help leading up to the festival. .
Set Up (Thursday and Friday before the festival)
So much help is needed to lay out the site, put up tents, stake and weight them properly, move tables, set up chairs, check in vendors, decorate, make sure the people doing those things are drinking enough water and have eaten...
During the Festival (Saturday and Sunday)
Working the Welcome Booth, security, emptying trash, helping run the crafts and games in the children's area, run simple errands for participants (performers, vendors, other volunteers).
After the Festival (Sunday night and Monday)
We absolutely need help with this. Every festival I've worked, there's almost always enough help to get set up and run the event. Then on Sunday night, everyone but the hardcore volunteers go home, and it's a scramble to get the whole thing cleaned up and packed out by the end of Monday.
Youth Volunteers
Responsible children ages 10-18 who WANT to help are welcome volunteers. Some of the most incredible help I have had working at festivals has been from young people in this age group. I truly could not have made some of the magic I did if they hadn't stepped up. We do require that a young person has a designated grown-up on site at the festival the whole time.

Sponsorships and Partnerships
For businesses who won't be actively participating in the festival
but who want to invest in this community cultural event. Scroll down for details.
Retail and Restaurant Owners.
Retail and Restaurant Partner $100:
Social Media Posts: 4-5 image posts tagging your business.
-Announcement when you sign up to be a partner with a link to your business if you sign up before Sept 20.
-Make sure you check out our festival partners while you are in town featuring pictures of product from your stores. 1 post per partner.
-Post for any specific offer you have or special event you want to do for the festival.
-After the festival there will be a thank you post and an encouragement to our followers to support our partners during the upcoming holiday season.
-A second post in December to remind people again (It's possible we'll be hosting a holiday movie night, and if so, we'll plug you on the website listing for that).
-Website and Program: Listed on our website with a link to your chosen site, a brief description of your shop, and any special offers or hours during the festival. I can also include a QR code in the program. Program deadline is a hard 10/7/24.
-Signage: Large map of town marking all of our partners as well as a sign listing all of the partner businesses' names, sign to hang at your shop to show you are a festival partner during the weekend. Signage deadline 10/14/24
-Opportunity to join the business passport. This is designed to actually benefit our businesses not crowd them with impatient non-shoppers who want a stamp. Folks who make purchases from a certain number of local shops will receive some sort of souvenir or collectible sticker (details in process still) and be entered to win $50 gift certificate to my shop (I would welcome any other gift certificate contributions, they can just be $10, but they aren't required). People get the tokens by spending a certain amount in a business. The fairy festival will provide you with the tokens to hand folks when they make their purchases.
Community Sponsor $100
Social Media Posts: 4 image posts tagging your business.
-Announcement and thank you when you sign up to be a sponsor with a link to your organization.
-After the festival there will be a second thank you post.
-Website and Program: Listed on our website with a link to your chosen site, a brief description or statement you want included or a business card size ad image. I can include a QR code in the program. Program deadline is a hard 10/5/24. You will also be listed on our page of previous sponsors, your listing can be a web link if you'd like, this page will be up as long as the festival exists.
-Signage: A large sign listing all of the sponsors names. Signage deadline 10/14/24